Make a Billy

Generated profile picture

Tip: BillyBot on Telegram can also generate profile pics

About Billy

BILLION•DOLLAR•CAT ($BDC), Billy for short, is the Bitcoin cat.
Billy lives on Bitcoin as a Rune like fungible ERC-20 tokens on Ethereum.
Billy fairly minted out with 0% premined on 5/30/2024 after 18 hrs.
Billy to billies 😼

Buy Billy*

  1. Buy Bitcoin on an exchange like Coinbase or Binance
  2. Set up a Bitcoin Runes wallet like Xverse or Magic Eden Wallet
  3. Send Bitcoin from the exchange to your wallet Bitcoin address
  4. Open Magic Eden marketplace and connect your wallet app
  5. Select and buy bundles of BILLION•DOLLAR•CAT

Wear Billy

AR face filter


Try with pets


Humans only

3D Print Billy


Paint not included

Print Billy


*Legal Disclaimer: $BDC (also known as BILLION•DOLLAR•CAT) is a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. $BDC is completely useless and for entertainment purposes only. When you purchase $BDC, you are agreeing that you have seen this disclaimer.

Billy Memes